Friday, August 19, 2011

Eiga Sai : Group Outing @ Shang!

July is Philippines-Japan friendship month, and to commemorate this special occasion, the Japan Foundation organizes an annual film festival called Eiga Sai.  We've been going to this event since 2009, and this time I decided to bring the whole class because if we take the weekend schedule, some students do not get the chance to see the movie.  There are always too many movie goers, and because the tickets are given away on a first come, first serve basis, some of my students end up going home not seeing anything.

I'm glad I made this decision to go with them on a quiet Tuesday afternoon.  We laughed, cried, cheered and sighed for Ami, the name of the character for the movie Your Friend.  Zannen.  We didn't get to see Feel the Wind, which starts Kento Hayashi, the girls' crush from the previous year's Eiga Sai we watched, The Battery Future in our Hands.

Meanwhile, here are proofs our latest Eiga Sai experience with Ms. Maricris Murillo, the head of the Filipino / Spanish Department:

We've been here!
Cutie? :-)
with Ms. Murillo
The Eiga Sai banner
Yes, a pic even from the elevator!
Pose, pose, pose!
And another one!
And yes, another pic!
We do love shashin ;-)

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